
This year for Ramadan, going into this month with a positive attitude is all that matters. Ramadan is a time to take advantage of everything that will become spiritually beneficial for you, but also for indulging in iftars surrounded by friends and family. COVID-19 has resulted in social-distancing, which means we need to be 6 feet apart from everyone, at all times. But, that doesn’t mean we have to put a stop to friends joining in on iftars!

Let’s dive right into how to make the most of this month’s iftars.

Invite everyone and any one, because you can

Hosting a virtual iftar can be done with as many people as you’d like, anywhere from a crowd of a few people to many people. We are all missing our friends and families during this quarantine but, seeing them virtually can still occur. Families can easily be projected onto a larger screen to see each other. Given so many platforms, we can find ways to interact, in numerous ways.

Zoom is a platform where you can video-share up to 100 people! I don’t know about you, but my cousins have been using that platform to their advantage, even Pre-Ramadan.

By using this platform, we can have the feeling of everyone’s presence when breaking open our fasts. Ramadan brings families closer and this year should be no less – even with the craziness going around – we should all partake in something that will have us near the people who matter most.

Get that dusty Whatsapp family group chat running again

Having a groupchat with your family is also the move. Preparing for the different, yummy foods for iftar for the perfect finished product can go a long way. Taking pictures of everything and sending them to your family members and receiving pictures of their iftars as responses can make you feel as if you are there and also gives you ideas for preparing your iftars.

Prep with the best

While prepping for your iftar, you can also videochat everyone while they prepare for their iftars as well. Connecting in ways like this makes it easier for everyone when they’re preparing, as the time ticks closer and closer towards breaking your fast. Cooking together and having your finished iftar set up, while being on video call, gives everyone a sense of feeling like they accomplished something, together.

The virtual world has given us endless options as to how we can be connected during these difficult times, and it’s important to remember that it’s what you make of these difficult times that count!

We can find ways through social media, video calls and group chats to make the most out of these days. Ramadan is a month that we as Muslims look forward to, every single year. Being in quarantine should not stop us from being connected with the people who matter the most to us.

In times of uncertainty, we need to be able to have love surrounding us – even if it’s not physical, it’s always there.

Ramadan is a time where we all benefit so much from having everyone surrounding us during this blessed month. Having everything become virtual, in such a short notice has made it difficult for everyone to adjust. But, having family and friends be a part of your life, virtually, will be a memory everyone can look back on and be grateful for.


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